Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wow. Time Flies.

To fill you in.. Mila is almost 20 months old. She's a pistol and absolutely hilarious. Most of the time. She is hitting her terrible-two's stage early, as you can imagine, her father and I are either sighing in exasperation, cupping our face in our hands, or embarrassingly dragging her away from whatever store isle we happen to be standing when she decides to go crazy. Now, all that said, when she's not giving Rosemary's child a run for his money, she is an absolute angel. Mila loves to give kisses and hugs and sometimes if she's feeling particularly generous she pats you on the back as she hugs you tightly. She loves to play and dance. Dancing is one of her very favorite pastimes.

Recently, I began a workout regimen that has me doing squats, push-ups, leg extensions, sit-ups and such in the living room. Mila is always more than happy to lay on the floor beside me to do the exercises with me. We've gotten a few pictures of this as well as video. Can't wait to show them to her one day.

For now, I think that's all. I'll be posting new photos soon!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Mila walks and my hair is the shortest it's ever been..

Mila explores.

Mila is now walking. Correction: Mila is now RUNNING. This little girl is 100 mph in every direction. She continues to amaze me and her father with her acute since of adventure. I say that because she's figuring out ways to out smart us. Squeaker can tell if we leave a door open, ever so slightly, and will proceed to sneak her way into the "unknown territory of mommy and daddy's room". She is figuring out that climbing opens a whole new world of possibilities. Much to our distress, she still seems to have no depth perception and seems oblivious to the fact that the back of the couch to the floor is a long way down for someone 30" tall.

Curiouser and Curiouser..

Mila's other new thing is talking. Of course, our mere mortal ears cannot decipher what she is saying, it does not stop her from looking right into our eyes and with the most serious tone and look, say, "Bah-bah, deedadda. Buhdee, doa dea ba." To which we must reply, "Really?" or "Is that so?" or "Wow, that's amazing!"

There are two words which she has down pretty well: Da-da and Kee-Kee. The latter is her name for our cat and derives from us saying, "Look Mila. See the kitty-kitty?" Da-da because she is a total daddy's girl. He swears she said "gam-pa" yesterday when his dad was over. I suppose my time will come sooner or later.. Until then, I must live with the smug look of satisfaction all over "Da-da's" face.

The Poster Child of "Daddy's Girl"

In other news, I cut all my hair off. Not a planned event, though I have been thinking about it quite often. I realize it is just a hair cut. And I hate to keep talking about it. However, because of an intuitive co-worker's insight, I find the subconscious reasoning for the change extremely interesting. Without divulging personal specifics, let's just say that I have been craving change in other areas of my life and seem to be unable to attain any of them. . I'd like a better job and that has been frustratingly difficult.. I'd like to buy a house but that too seems beyond my reach... But what is the one thing I can change? The one thing I have control over: my hair. I can do anything I want to it. Cut it, color it, perm it... How amazingly simple and yet extremely liberating it is to do something out of the ordinary. As a woman, I put a lot of emphasis on my hair and I seriously doubt that I'm the only one. With a few little snips of a scissor, I feel classier, more stylish, more sophisticated and more mature. With my new "do" I feel like a new woman. I feel like I can change my life. I have the power to change my circumstances. I have a new sense of determination and feel that I have the patience to work every day towards my end goal. I will finish school; I will find a better job when the time is right; I will buy my dream home and I will raise my daughter to be grateful for every privilege and opportunity I am able to provide for her. All that from a haircut? Yes.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

So it has been several months since I've posted anything to this blog.. My apologies. Apparently babies are time consuming. ;)

Mila was born September 3, 2009 at 6:18 a.m. She was 7 lbs, 6 oz and 19 3/4 inches long. My God, she was beautiful.. still is of course. But I was just amazed with her the first time I laid eyes on that little pink creature. Her skin was perfect, no rashes or wrinkles. She had a head full of dark hair (the hair has since, become a beautiful red-auburn color).. Her eyes were open and alert, she scored a perfect 10 on the APGAR, by the way. ;) My little Snow White.

My labor lasted 32 hours. When it came time to push, I did it. No complications, she was out after about an hour of pushing. It hurt. Bad. When I saw her, I was absolutely mesmerized. This little life force came out of me? It was the most spiritual and emotional moment I had ever experienced. And boy, was I tired when it was all said and done.

She is just over 8 months today and I have remained in a constant state of exhaustion. But, man is she worth it. She is the funniest little baby ever. She is trying really really hard to walk, but still has not mastered her balance. We're guessing in another month, there will be no stopping her. She makes faces at us and we can see the look of recognition in her face when she sees either of us. My favorite part of the day is getting home and seeing her reaction to me walking through the door. No one has ever been that excited to see me and it feels great! She is so busy. Interested and curious about everything! She keeps us on our toes. Life is so on-the-go these days, I wonder what the hell I used to do to occupy my time before being Mommy. If I had any empty voids of nothingness before, she has filled them to the point of bursting. I love her so much for that.

It was really hard coming back to work. I am working 4 days a week 10 hours a day. I have a three day weekend with her which is nice, but it is difficult leaving in the mornings. Bryan is her primary care giver and they have such a bond because of it. She has him absolutely wrapped.

I had my first Mother's Day this past weekend. Mommy's present: sleeping in until 10:30! I got a really sweet card from both of them, Mila even signed hers... she is very advanced.

All in all, life has been busy and will only get busier. (I'm starting school again in August) But I am immensely happy with my family. My love for Bryan has only grown since having Mila. It is such a precious moment when watching them play and laugh with each other. She has brought out the very best in both of us. They are my world.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Geez, I wish you'd get here already...

I've been thinking a lot about how my life will be different in another month or so. I guess I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for the shock of caring for a newborn. Everytime I take an extra 5 minutes just to stand under the hot water in the shower, sleeping in as late as I want on Saturdays, spontaneously deciding to go to a movie just because the mood hits me.... all these things, I know will not be so easy to manage once Mila is here. I think a lot about the day she will be born as well. Like, will my birth plan go as planned? What if I go into labor at work and can't reach Bryan on his cell? What if the nurse is so enchanted by my beautiful baby that she tries to run away with her?? Then there's those silly APGAR tests. Already, society is throwing standardized testing at my innocent child. I can't lie, I am keeping my fingers crossed for a perfect 10 on the APGAR tests. Just so I can get a bumper sticker that reads: "My APGAR baby is smarter than your Honor Student."

Sunday, June 21, 2009

7 1/2 Months... and Mally is still here

When Mally gets exhausted from hunting us, she just shuts down in a comatose like slumber...

I really miss being able to lay in any other position than my left side... I'm 7 1/2 months now, belly is definitely popping out. I've gained 25lbs and have entered into the "waddle like a duck" stage. I'm also feeling Mila kick me in new places.. like my ribs. Not the most comfortable sensation but an incredilby comforting feeling that she is active and healthy.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Having a cold and being pregnant.. fun.

I'm 7 months. And my body celebrates this by getting sick and staying sick. I've been out of work for 3 days, much to the distress of my boss. We have a board meeting next week and God forbid if I'm not there to change the agenda 20 times. Mila seems to not be bothered by my cold in the least. She's moving, stretching, kicking... I'm now feeling her in more than one spot. It's like I am feeling her kick and her head press against me on the other side. Kinda cool. Bryan of course, avoids me like the plague. He hates being sick. Blown kisses will just have to suffice until I'm not a walking viral infection.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Pregnant Belly = Bongo Drum..

Ok, so I guess it's normal for me to be a little more excited about baby movements than Bryan. It's my baby growing in my belly. Though Bryan is excited about the birth of our daughter, I know he can't possibly comprehend what it is like to actually feel her kicks, hiccups, and other movements. That being said, he does have his ways of bonding with our unborn... My belly has become a bongo drum. When he leaves for work or greets me at the end of the day, he kisses me and does a quick 'bumba-da-da-bumb' right on top of what could possibly be Mila's head or bottom. Hopefully, she won't hold a grudge.